United States Army

Army Futures Command (AFC) Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC) Enterprise Information Technology Support Services (EITSS)
IPTA was awarded the $400M US Army Futures Command (AFC) Combat Capability Development Command (DEVCOM) Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC) Enterprise Information Technology Support Services (EITSS) contract to support IT services under the General Service Administration (GSA) Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), VETS 2.
IPTA will provide the personnel, services, and supplies necessary to enable the full lifecycle of IT support requirements across AvMC. Managed by the AvMC Office of the Chief Information Office (CIO)/G6, all AvMC Directorates can use this contract to support IT requirements. The overall AvMC mission is to deliver collaborative and innovative technical capabilities for responsive and cost-effective research, product development, and life-cycle systems engineering solutions. IPTA’s services to support the AvMC mission will include Network Support, Information Management Services, Cybersecurity Management, Portfolio Management, IT Asset Management, Application Management, IT Governance, and Tiered Service Response.
AvMC is a subordinate Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Center under the Army Futures Command (AFC) and DEVCOM. AvMC is headquartered at Redstone Arsenal, AL, and has satellite offices at Joint Base Langley – Eustis, VA, Corpus Christi, TX, Colorado Springs, CO, and NASA Ames – Moffet Field, CA.

Army Futures Command (AFC) Modernization and Application Data Environment (MADE)
Within Army Futures Command, the Data and Decision Sciences Directorate (DDSD) is responsible for establishing an enterprise-enabling platform to equip Army leaders at every echelon with the information they need to make fully informed, data-driven decisions based on authoritative and/or production data sources. To achieve this end state, IPTA delivered a built-for-purpose application hosting ecosystem and Data Science environment aligned to the AFC mission. IPTA provided expertise in architecting, deploying, securing, and maintaining big data cloud-based systems using complementary open-source components. Our systems expertise included incorporation of industry standard data management practices that accommodate the acquisition, normalization, and indexing of a multitude of disparate data sources (structured and unstructured). Our in-depth knowledge and expertise in the Risk Management Framework (RMF) processes resulted in the MADE receiving full Environmental ATO in seven months for Impact Level 5 (IL5), a full five months earlier than normally required. We then leveraged lessons-learned and experience to achieve DoD IL6 in Q4 FY2020. Our AFC Team received “Exceptional” CPAR ratings in 2020 and 2021 – “The IA/RMF process and artifact updates and evolutions produced by the contractor was of such quality, it remains the AFC reference standard for the AFC CIO/AO.” [AFC COR]

Army Enterprise Cloud Management Agency (ECMA) Engagement
Under the MADE contract, our DDSD team has been engaged with ECMA’s Coding Resources and Transformation Environment (CReATE) team for transition of the AFC MADE applications into the commercial cloud/cARMY environment. Using a modular approach, IPTA built and manages the AFC MADE DevSecOps software factory informed by U.S. Air Force Platform One best practices and best of breed technology solutions. We are currently working in partnership with ECMA in the build out of their DevSecOps Platform CReATE as an integrated solution encompassing both Microsoft Azure and AWS components. Through our continued collaboration with the Platform One Team and ECMA, we are developing the needed ECMA DevSecOps capabilities in AFC MADE that are aligned with the future capabilities that will be available in cArmy Azure from CReATE. IPTA maintains alignment with ECMA for current and future CReATE capabilities through integrated roadmap planning and weekly collaboration. As testimonial, the MADE DevSecOps capability was adopted by ECMA as the “ECMA CReATE” offering for MS Azure.
United States Air Force

Air Force A1 Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AF/A1) Information Technology (IT) Operational Support Services
The Air Force A1 Digital Transformation Activity’s (A1 DTA), formerly the Air Force Personnel Operating Agency (AFPOA), located at JBSA Randolph, TX, mission is to deliver a global 24/7 Total Force information technology capabilities in support of the Department of the Air Force Human Resources program requirements and their 3M+ users. IPTA provides AF/A1 application services for network centric IT, networking equipment, and support services in the following areas: Program Management, Requirements Support, Field Support, Cybersecurity and Software Management Support, and Lifecycle Management Support.

Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) Retrieval Applications Website (SAS/RAW) and Application Services
The Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC), located at JBSA Randolph, TX, has the responsibility for managing personnel programs and carrying out policies for customers around the globe, including military and civilian Airmen and Guardians, families, and retirees for the Department of the Air Force. IPTA provides IT services for SAS/RAW web applications providing rapid “tier zero” data retrieval support for the entire Total Force. Program scope includes 24/7/365 system operability, web maintenance, system administration, and application development. RAW allows retrieval experts/analysts to focus their limited resources on more complex Force Development projects/issues.

436 MGG Maintenance Enterprise Web Application Services
The 436th Mission Generation Group (436 MGG), located at Dover AFB, DE, supports the 436th Airlift Wing’s (436 AW) worldwide global mobility mission by providing trained maintenance specialists for the U.S. Air Force’s largest cargo transport aircraft, the C-5 Galaxy. IPTA supports the 436 MXS, 436 MGG, and the 436 AW missions with Web Application Developer (WAD) services. This program delivers full scale resources visibility to MGG commanders and leadership, in an integrated network for all maintenance users. The scope of the services includes System Network Administration, Web Application Management and Database Development.

60 MXG Maintenance Enterprise Web Application Services
The 60th Maintenance Group (MXG), located at Travis AFB, CA, supports the 60th Air Mobility Wing’s (AMW) mission in providing strategic airlift and air refueling missions circling the globe. 60 AMW is the largest air mobility organization in terms of personnel in the Air Force with a versatile all-jet fleet of C-5M Super Galaxy and C-17 Globemaster III cargo aircraft and KC-10 Extender refueling aircraft. IPTA supports 60 MXG and the 60 AMW missions with Web Application Developer (WAD) services. This program delivers full scale resources visibility to MXG commanders and leadership, in an integrated network for all maintenance users. The scope of the services includes System Network Administration, Web Application Management and Database Development.

309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) Business Systems Support Services
The 309 AMARG often referred to as ‘The Boneyard’ is an aerospace storage and maintenance facility adjoining Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, AZ which provides a service to all branches of the U.S. military (Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Army), as well as other national agencies. 309 AMARG provides critical aerospace maintenance and regeneration capabilities for Joint and Allied/Coalition warfighters in support of global operations and agile combat support for a wide range of military operations. IPTA provides 309 AMARG with a multi discipline Information Technology (IT) business system support team delivering the full spectrum of Administration, Software Engineering, Database Administration, maintenance, patching and upgrades, and Programming and System Development services to operate, sustain, develop, enhance, and support the entire 309 AMARG Business System (ABS) portfolio of hardware/software and associated information technology.

75 ABW Training Scheduling System
The 75th Air Base Wing (ABW) is the host unit at Hill AFB, UT, and is the Air Force’s second largest base by population and geographical size. The 75th ABW oversees 1,000,000 acres and more than 1,700 facilities valued at $4 billion while providing installation support for the Ogden Air Logistics Complex, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center, Air Force active duty 388th and Reserve 419th Fighter Wings and more than 50 mission partners that employ more than 27,000 personnel. IPTA provides the 75th ABW and its associated subordinate units at Hill AFB with Information Technology (IT) solution services, including, but not limited to, physical and virtual security of network and associated systems, labor, material, expertise, management, transportation, and facilities. IPTA supports the functional capabilities that include software sustainment, maintenance, and development activities that are associated with the Training Scheduling System (TSS). Under TSS, IPTA participates in providing detailed analysis of legacy data, manual and automated input to make training requirements, scheduling, and attendance follow-up data more accessible and to eliminate manual/duplicate data recordings.

OO-ALC and 75 ABW Hazardous Communications/Job Safety Training Outline (HAZCOM/eJSTO)
The Ogden Air Logistics Complex (OO-ALC), located at Hill AFB, UT, provides logistics, support, maintenance, and distribution for the nation’s premier fighter aircraft: the F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and A-10 Thunderbolt. In addition, it maintains the C-130 Hercules, T-38 Talon, and other weapon systems, as well as the Minuteman III ICBM. The complex is one of the leading providers of software, pneudraulics, secondary power systems, composites, and ICBM rocket motors for the Department of Defense. IPTA provides services to OO-ALC by supporting functional capabilities with IT services in software sustainment, maintenance, and development of safety and occupational health and information delivery systems associated with HazCom/eSSWB.

AETC Financial Management Tools Suite (AFMTS)
On AETC Financial Management Tools Suite (AFMTS) project, IPTA provides AETC with business process and software integration support, Microsoft (MS) Standard Query Language (SQL) Server database administration, software system maintenance, and server administration support for the AFMTS, which includes the Temporary Duty Travel (TDY)-To-School Management Information System (TTSMIS). IPTA personnel also provide maintenance support for locally developed MS Access databases, and other Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) products that aid in the AETC/FM accounting, reporting, and budgeting processes.

Air Force Enterprise Configuration Management Office (AFECMO) Support Services
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), Maxwell AFB – Gunter Annex, Alabama manages the Air Force Enterprise Configuration Management Office (AFECMO) with direct oversight from the Enterprise IT and Cyber Infrastructure Division (HNI). The AFECMO mission is to ensure a worldwide standard Air Force operating environment for real-time, secure access to information to increase control, consistency, and reduce costs through enterprise configuration management. IPTA supports the AFECMO program office with enterprise network architecture planning and design, design and development of software applications packages, applications and technical integration testing, enterprise network applications deployment, to include Standard Desktop Configuration (SDC) Operating System Deployment and managed migration solutions, and information assurance certification and accreditation related services to support the Air Force and Department of Defense.

Air Force National Capital Region IT (AFNCR-IT) Services
The 844th Communications Group (844 CG) is responsible for the implementation, sustainment, and management of information systems for Headquarters Air Force (HAF), Air Force District of Washington (AFDW), Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other Air Force activities throughout the Air Force National Capital Region (AFNCR), to include the Pentagon, Joint Base Andrews (JBA), Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) and other locations, leased spaces, and alternate sites. IPTA is teamed with Leidos to deliver focused IT services to the AFNCR. A primary technical area of responsibility for IPTA is operations support of a 24/7/365 Network Control Center (NCC) for the AFNCR, where we monitor, maintain, and report enterprise network, operations, and production efforts required to meet the mission requirements of AFNCR organizations. Our NCC team performs all primary troubleshooting, software distribution, and updating activities, domain device management, performance monitoring, and coordination with AFNCR-affiliated networks.

ScheduleWatch is a suite of Air Force applications (web apps and client apps) that support the systems engineering lifecycle (architecture, requirements, development, configuration, test, and project management) for the 76th Software Engineering Group (SWEG) at Tinker AFB across multiple aircraft and engine platforms such as B-2, B-1, TF-33. IPTA engineers successfully translated the architecture and internal processes of a 20-year-old suite of financial and scheduling applications to a functioning application in the cloud, coordinating closely with customer stakeholders on both the fuzzy-front-end of application analysis and training them in Microsoft Azure and Azure DevOps best practices. IPTA applied proven commercial cloud application migration processes to the Air Force’s capability requirements while aligning with core Air Force CloudOne processes, approaches, standards, and guardrails. IPTA also integrated with and lead the “Iterative or Rolling ATO” process.
Department of Defense

OUSD (A&S) Financial and Budget Support (FABS)
IPTA supports OUSD (A&S) in performing acquisition oversight and programmatic evaluation of Defense Acquisition Programs, Information Systems, and other OSD and DoD programs, including the planning, programming, budgeting, execution, and analysis of A&S’ core programs and other related funds. IPTA provides Financial and Budget Support (FABS) for Activities, Programs, and Program Elements (PEs) assigned to OUSD (A&S) Component organizations including the A&S Director of Business Operations; Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition (ASD(A); Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Platform and Weapon Portfolio Management; and the ASD for Industrial Base Policy. Our analysts support all phases of Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PPBES) activities for assigned programs, projects, and PEs, including analysis of the Services and Component Program Objective Memorandum (POM), Budget Estimate Submission (BES), Program Budget Review (PBR) and President’s Budget (PB) submissions; coordination and consolidation of comments and findings to brief OUSD (A&S) staff and leadership; analysis of Defense appropriation and authorization documents to support quick reaction responses to programmatic and fiscal changes; and budget and spend plan development, execution and tracking for designated A&S budget accounts.

DoD Director of Administration & Management, Vietnam War Commemoration (VWC)
IPTA Provides operational mission support to the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration mission of honoring Vietnam Veterans, including Commemoration event planning and coordination, Commemorative Partner outreach, historical research, analytical support, media publications and office administration support. Our analysts help expand the network of Commemorate Partners and work with them to plan and execute events honoring Vietnam veterans and their families, including logistical support and coordination. We ensure consistent branding of the VWC mission through development of marketing and promotion products and provide multimedia support including video/audio recording of Veteran oral history interviews, video editing and production, staff photography of Veteran commemorative events and building/maintaining the VWC social media campaign. We perform historical research and create graphics-intensive informational products to increase the public’s understanding and appreciation of the service of our Vietnam War veterans. Our team collects, analyzes, and distributes Veteran contact statistics and continually refines measurement tools and metrics to assess VWC progress towards meeting Congressional objectives and to inform future VWC outreach strategy.

OUSD Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) Technical, Analytical, and Administrative Support
IPTA delivered a full range of acquisition professional and executive-level mission support services on behalf of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (OUSD) for Acquisition Technology and Logistics (AT&L) and subordinate components including program management, acquisition program analytical support, financial management, and budget administration, executive administrative and security support. IPTA provided a staff of 70 full-time equivalents (FTE) analysts across 40+ AT&L Directorates and Component offices supporting the AT&L enterprise in the execution of its DoD 5000 Defense Acquisition System (DAS) oversight role spanning the entire spectrum of DoD acquisition and sustainment efforts. IPT provided the expertise to complement AT&L inherent resources for effective mission accomplishment and continuity, interacting daily with senior officials in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Joint Staff, Defense Agencies, Military Services, Combatant Commands, US and foreign industry and Congressional staffs.

Office of Military Commissions (OMC) Defense Travel Administration
IPTA supported the Department of Defense Office of Military Commissions (OMC) mission for conducting enemy combatant trials at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO). The Convening Authority (CA), which also is the Director of the Office of Military Commissions, is responsible for all legal services performed within the OMC. Our Defense Travel Administrators Coordinated all CONUS and OCONUS travel and Defense Travel System support to the Convening Authority, Military Commissions Defense Organization, and Victim/Witness Assistance Program staff, as well as any travel requirements for non-federal Government participants in trial proceedings. Our OMC team coordinated all travel arrangements to GTMO for both DoD and non-DoD personnel, as well as the unique logistics planning and support aspects of hosting OMC teams on-island, including witnesses and Victim Family Members (VFMs) associated with trial proceedings.

Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) Grants Management Support
IPTA supported OEA’s mission to assist states and communities in planning and executing local adjustment strategies in response to DoD action and policy changes that adversely impact those communities. These efforts help states and communities affected by base closures, realignments, and reductions in defense industry employment; where the expansion of the local military installation significantly increases the demand for public facilities and services; or where community development and encroachment threaten the mission of an installation.
IPTA provided a full range of in-house grant management support services to the Compliance & Integration (C&I) team at OEA including administration of grants, cooperative agreements, or other related Federal assistance instruments and compliance with Federal and DoD guidance and Regulations; making recommendations to OEA staff regarding process improvements and internal grant administration; collaborating with grantees and project managers throughout the life cycle of the grant award and funding to ensure the proper and appropriate use of funds and recommend grant activities to ensure compliance; and review of desktop procedures for grants administration, end-to-end narratives, user guides and other documentation for both internal OEA staff and OEA grantees.
Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), Project Management Support
IPTA provided Program/Project Management and Business Analysis support services under the VBA Tactical Project Management Support Services (TPMSS) contract, to multiple VBA Program Offices, including the Veterans Benefits Management System (VBMS), the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service (VR&E), Compensation Service (CS), and the VA Debt Management Center (VA-DMC).

Veterans Benefits Management System (VBMS)
The VBMS technology initiative enabled the VBA to achieve its mission of deploying a web-based electronic claims processing solution to eliminate the Veteran benefits compensation claims backlog, while providing an integrated claims processing capability for the future. IPTA provided Program Management and application Testing Support Services to ensure VBMS deployments met all VBA and Congressional requirements.

Compensation Service (CS)
Disability Compensation is a tax-free monetary benefit paid to Veterans with disabilities that are the result of a disease or injury incurred or aggravated during active military service. IPTA’s work with the CS supported implementation of the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, maximizing the career readiness of all Service members as they transition to Veteran status through participation in the Military Transition Assistance Program (TAP).

VA Debt Management Center (VA-DMC)
The VA Debt Management Center’s mission is to collect debts resulting from an individual’s participation in VA benefits programs in the most efficient and cost-effective manner while maintaining compassionate, high-quality service to Veterans and their families. IPTA supported the definition and development of a modernized VA-DMC centralized accounts receivable system (CARS). Through business process documentation and analysis, IPTA chartered a course for CARS to deliver the enhanced technological capabilities necessary for an innovative, integrated, and leading-edge replacement system.